Websocket Stream
The WebSocket connection enables full-duplex communication between the client and the server, allowing data to be transmitted quickly in both directions.
Base URL for the WebSocket : wss://stream.jayxstaging.com:8443
Subscription Events
kline Event: kline Message:
{ "category": "spot", "symbol": "BTCUSDT", "interval": "60" }
Response Parameters
Parameter | Comments |
_id | Unique identifier for the K-Line data entry |
| The trading pair symbol (e.g., BTCUSDT for Bitcoin/USDT) |
o | Open price of the K-Line. |
h | High price of the K-Line. |
l | Low price of the K-Line. |
c | Close price of the K-Line |
v | Volume traded during the K-Line period. |
m | The timestamp of the last modification |
Response Example
orderbook Event: orderbook Message:
{ "category": "spot", "symbol": "BTCUSDT", "precise": "1" }
Response Parameters
Parameter | Comments |
orderBook | Object containing |
asks | Array of ask orders |
bids | Array of bid orders |
lots | Tick size of the order |
count | Count of the orders |
trades | Array of trade orders |
lots | Lot size of the trade |
ticks | Tick size of the trade |
side | Side of the trade (e.g., BUY, SELL) |
created | Timestamp when the trade was created |
Response Example
positions Event: positions Message:
{ "apiKey": "clmsionk21ru", "category": "spot" }
Response Parameters
Parameter | Comments |
spot | Array of position objects |
| The asset name (e.g., BTC for Bitcoin) |
| The total balance of the asset |
| The available balance of the asset for trading |
Response Example
Event: openorders Message:
{ "apiKey": "clmsionk21ru", "category": "spot", "symbol": "BTCUSDT" }
Response Parameters
Parameter | Comments |
| Unique identifier for the order |
| The trading pair symbol (e.g., BTCUSDT for Bitcoin/USDT) |
| Type of the order (e.g., LIMIT, MARKET) |
| State of the order (e.g., NEW, CANCELED) |
| Side of the order (e.g., BUY, SELL) |
| Reserved size |
| Executed size |
| Cost of the order |
| Timestamp when the order was created |
| Timestamp when the order was last modified |
| Price of the order |
| Quantity of the order |
Response Example
Last updated